Saturday, July 31, 2010

Do you think teachers are nicer to parents and the kids on parent conference night?

Just has parent - teacher interview things tonight, and I went with my Mom. There is this teacher that is always so miserable and depressed, and nasty to us in class but all of a sudden she is so happy to actually be within 2 feet of a teenager. When she sat down with my Mom and me, she was smiling and crap.

Talk about acting. There was a couple of other teachers who are usually strict and mean, acting all happy.

It bothers me so much, because my parents think the teachers are all wonderful and nice when really some of them are mean. I don't think it's fare, do you?Do you think teachers are nicer to parents and the kids on parent conference night?
oh yes!! they try to act nicer and more pleasant than their usual behavior so that they can give a good impression to the parents, so that they will look qualified teachers. those kinds of teachers are hypocrites. the teachers that do not put on masks during parent teacher conference nights and be themselves are those that are genuine. =)Do you think teachers are nicer to parents and the kids on parent conference night?
I'm a teacher and we just parent/teacher conferences as well. I agree there are some teachers that act differently in and out of class. I'm who I am in and out of the classroom, unfortunately not all teachers are like that. I take my responsibility as a teacher very seriously.

I think if there's a teacher that you are having problems with then you need to let someone know. I would tell my parents and also tell the principal. I have specifics as to what is happening/wrong with the teacher. You can't just say they don't like you, you need to have something to support your words. You might be surprised how many other students feel the same way you do.
life isn't fair...i remember a big incident last year at my school where a parent assaulted a teacher cause she was rude at back to school night
Yes. They are trying to make a good impression on your parents, even if they are totally evil during the day.
A teacher will do one of two things:

1) Act really nice to the parents and kids, and that's how they really are.

2) Act really nice to the parents and kids, and they're putting up an act.

Ask the kids in the class how they act in the classroom regularly.
Of course teachers are on their best behavior in front of parents. It's all about the show. Often principals give teachers special instructions for how to be extra nice and extra enthusiastic for the parent-teacher conferences, even.
no its stupid they should act the same in class
My daughter was in fourth grade and kept insisting that her teacher was mean to everyone and I didn't beleive her. THEN, she all of a sudden stood up to the teacher to defend one of the other kids and I got called in from work for the whole incident! I told my daughter she is gonna make a GREAT lawyer!!! LOL!! Teachers are always fake to daughter will kick their A** though!!!
Welcome to the adult world of deceiving.

ALL teachers do it to impress the parents of their own skills that are lacking.

Next time stand up %26amp; politley say some thing about the situation, this will put the shoe on the other foot, stay calm, use diplomacy, dont back down if you are correct.

Tell your parents if you are not satisfied with any teachers who are treating you wrong or who are holding you back in some way.

Remember, Teachers are responsible for your Education, %26amp; not playing mind games with children.
Yes. Like if they ever graded something unfairly or yelled at you, they always stay faaar away from that subject, act super peppy, and seem to rush the conference...

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