When ever a person has a child and one of the parents are asian, the child always appears asian (with the eyes usually). Some one told me it was because asian genes are more dominant then others. Is this true??? O_oWhy is it that a child always comes out looking asian if only one parent is asian?
Does the greatest male golfer in the world look asian to you?Why is it that a child always comes out looking asian if only one parent is asian?
Yes, that could possibly be it.
The genes for the eyes and skin color could be more dominant for the asian traits than the non-asian traits.
I've noticed that, too.
That's true. Asian mixes could have all different looking features yet the eyes still look asian even if it's a different color.
Yea...Tiger Woods, Keeanu Reeves and Tyson Beckford look very Asian.
Yes, that is true, the genes are more dominant.
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