Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What would you do if you were a parent and saw your kids (boy and girl both 18) making out and fooling around?

And both were yours by blood not step kids. What would you do? how would you react?What would you do if you were a parent and saw your kids (boy and girl both 18) making out and fooling around?
I suppose I would confront them while they were doing it and just stand there. I would let them do the talking. Silence is sometimes better then words. And really what can you say to that other then ';this is wrong';.What would you do if you were a parent and saw your kids (boy and girl both 18) making out and fooling around?
Well... First even of they are 18 they are in your house and they should obey ur rules. If they are not willing to obey them them strip them of the privileges u offer them. BUT first have the talk with them and re-establish the rules. Make sure they understand what u expect of them. What u will not have in your house, and what will follow if they do it again. This is also a good time to talk about safe sex, and put ur daughter on birth control EVEN if she says she is not having sex. Tell her it makes her periods smoother and will give her better skin. Because too many kids are getting pregnant. I was 20 when I got prgnant and now I wish my mom forced me on the pill in a sneaky way.lol Now im 25 and see too many of my friends not taking it because they say they will get fat, and guess what... got pregnant.But thats the only full proof way. Anyway.. Its just important to talk with ur kids and show them that that they are disrespecting your house. Also never keep them unsupervised. No boyfriend or girlfriend in the room, and they can only hang out in common areas. No matter hold old they are still children and mom and dad are still providing for them. They would be lost in the big bad world alone, and they need u to stay tough too. Good luck. BTW I have a 16 year old sister so I know what ur going through and I was there with my parents not to long ago. So this is my perspective on it.

Shout at them.

Probably end up hitting them.

Throw them the fcuk out my house.

Not talk to them for a long long time.

Cry some more.
That would disgust me, i don't know how i'll react because i would be so mad and i might hurt them so much or separate them for good.
I would be so disgusted and i would of Fu(ked them both up!

snatch'em both bald headed and kick there ***'s out of the house
i would freak out! they are brother and sister! ew! you might wanna put them in counseling

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